Here you will find reports that IARO members have made 1) to public hearings, 2) for private individuals or groups that have subsequently been made public (through public submissions, for instance), and 3) as responses to papers or reports. They are categorised here by the country the report was destined for.
- Brief Review and Commentary on the Study conducted by Landesanstalt fur Umwelt Baden-Wurttemberg: “Low-frequency noises including infrasound from wind turbines and other sources”, published in February 2020 using data collected in 2013-2015.
- Planning Application Appeal Public Inquiry: WIN-370-2 Arecleoch Wind Power Plant Extension. (M. Alves-Pereira)
- Planning Application Appeal Public Inquiry: WIN-370-3 Clauchrie Wind Power Plant (M. Alves-Pereira)
- Rigghill Wind Power Station Appeal Ref: PPA-310-2034
- Scientific Commentary on the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (DBEIS) “Scoping review of current onshore wind turbine noise assessment guidance.”
- Report on the High-Resolution Infrasonic and Low-Frequency Sound Recordings Conducted Within a Rural Farm in Scotland in 2022 and 2023. (This report is a redacted version of a confidential report and has been approved for publication by the original clients.)